Our Knowhow…

…and all our Soft-Assets, Skills & Products we can bring to your Party, err, Project!

Analysis & Consulting

AW&F can support you as an Analyst during your Development Processes with analytic Research Activities and/or act as your full R&D Consultant for particular Innovations & Products required…

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3D CAD & Prototyping

By utilizing Dassault’s extensive SolidWorks Design Suite, AW&F offers in-house 3D CAD Services (i.e. Parts- and Assemblies Construction, 2D Manufacturing Drawings, Tolerance & Collision Analysis etc.) and CAM Integration for Rapid Prototyping Purpose

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Small Series Production

The AW&F Network offers Access to mechanical Production Sites (i.e. CNC Turning & Milling, Carpenter Works etc.) and Resources for Electronics & Optics Manufacturing

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COTS Components & Parts

Not every Component or Part of a System Design needs to be developed from scratch but can be easily purchased from the AW&F Supplier’s Stock of already-built “Commercial-off-the-Shelf” (COTS) Products

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Test & Qualification

If a Product/System needs to be accompanied by an official Test Report from an audited Test Site to warrant its Compliance against a particular Specification, AW&F does have the Resources & Contacts for such Services…

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Integration & Maintenance

Within the AW&F Network, we can do mostly any kind of Hard- and Software Integration Services like System Installation, System Setup, System Training as well as Maintenance Services such as Maintenance Contracts and Lifecycle Management…

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