3D CAD & Modelling

CAD & 3D Modelling is an important Tool at any Stage of a Project: from the general & overall Idea/Approach over various Design-Steps up to the final Product…

3D CAD, Analysis & Visualization

AW&F utilizes in-house Dassault’s professional Design Suite SolidWorks (Solidworks 3D CAD, SolidWorks Visualize & SolidCAM) for most Construction & Modelling Tasks as well as for the Data Preparation for Production (CAM & STL). What AW&F can do for you in Detail are:

  • 3D Part & Assembly Modelling

  • 2D Drawings for Manufacturing Processes and Documentation

  • FEM Analysis & Interference Check to verify proper Operation & Performance during the Design Process

  • 3D Animation & photorealistic Renderings using SolidWorks Visualize

  • Data Preparation for 3D Printing & CAM

Rapid Prototyping & 3D Printing

Rapid Prototyping.png

3D Printing is a versatile Process to quickly & precisely manufacture complex Components for both Small Series Production as well as Rapid Prototyping. The advantages are:

  • Quick as STL-Data can usually be generated very easy from an existing 3D Model

  • Cheap as there are hardly any Setup Costs and the Amortisation Cost Component per printed Part is also very low

  • Directly Usable as a 3D Print can be highly precise, with a great Surface Quality and highly robust for direct Use or further Processing Procedures (i.e. Polishing, Coating etc.)


Analysis & Consulting


Small Series Production