Analysis & Consulting

At the Begin of a Project, it is often required to do your basic Homework in Terms of Feasibility Studies, competitive Market Analysis, Patent Issues etc.


Analytics are important as they can avoid - or at least reduce - typical Try & Fail Scenarios. The Experts from the AW&F Network can support you during your Development Processes with analytic Research Activities as follows:

  • Analytic Work such as Basic Studies (i.e. Technology Reports, Whitepapers etc.), Feasibility Studies etc.

  • Examinational Work such as Suitability Reports, Comparative Tests etc.

Consulting & Management / Documentation

AW&F can supply Resources to increase the Knowledge-Level of your Team and to help you managing your Project with

  • Consulting Work such as Training Courses, technical Lessons etc.

  • Management & Documentary Work such as

    • Project Management including Project Planning & Tracking, Participants Coordination etc.

    • Project Documentation including Requirements Documentation (SOW, Progress Reports etc.


3D CAD & Modelling