Our DNA…

…and probably everything else you need to know about “Alex Wagner & Friends”

The Concept

AW&F offers Customers & Clients a widely diversified & highly skilled Network of Engineering & Manufacturing Resources for

  • Analysis & Consulting

  • 3D CAD & Modelling

  • Production of Mechanics, Electronics & Optics

  • Test & Qualification

  • System Integration & Maintenance

In addition to these Services, AW&F supplies COTS Components from various Manufacturers for Applications such as Data Acquisition & Recording, Telemetry & GPS Navigation and Video Processing & Visualization.

The Compliance

We all are responsible for what we do as well as for what we don’t do. If we want to make our World to become a better Place, we have to work for it as nothing happens by itself! Therefore, please find below our Company’s Compliance Statements as follows:

The Staff

This is Alex WAGNER, the Founder, CEO & Mastermind of AW&F

  • Born in October 1969; Abitur in 1989

  • 5 Semesters of Law Studies at University of Augsburg & 10 Semesters of Mechanical Engineering Studies at University of Munich (incl. Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1998)

  • Worked almost 20 years for artronics GmbH (1998 - 2001 as Sales Engineer; 2001 - 2017 as CEO), where he developed his Skills in Design/Engineering & PM of Military & Industrial Systems for Audio & Video, Data Acquisition/Recording and Telemetry/GPS Navigation

  • Further Skills:

    • 3D CAD & virtual Modelling (SolidWorks)

    • Mechanical & electrical System Integration

    • Software Programming (Visual Basic & G-Code)

    • Logical Thinking & Common Sense

  • Not so-Skills:

    • Diplomacy

    • Small-Talk

  • Passions:

    • Sports (active): Weights, Hiking, Cycling & Rowing

    • Sports (passive): Soccer (PL & Bundesliga; “FC Bayern München Fanboy”)

    • Tattooing Art

    • Watchmaking (Haute Horlogerie)

    • Digital Medium Format Photography (www.alexwagnerphotography.com)

    • Design & Build of Furniture

This is Hanna FORSBERG and she is AW&F’s Senior Sales & Support Specialist.

Hanna’s main task is the Generation of Concepts, resulting Proposals & pre-/post-Sales Support.

Hanna joined AW&F in 2018

This is Rebecca PETZOLD and she is AW&F’s Financial Accounting Specialist.

Rebecca is responsible for smooth Operation of all Bookkeeping & financial Accounting Issues.

Rebecca joined AW&F in 2019

This is Carsten FRANZ and he is AW&F’s Field Integration & Installation Supervisor.

Carsten supervises the Integration Team(s) on-Site during Installation of larger Systems.

Carsten joined AW&F in 2021

The “Friends”

AW&F stands for ”Alex Wagner & Friends” and describes the Network consisting of the Company Founder / CEO / Mastermind - Alexander Wagner - and the highly specialized Cooperation Partners, the “Friends”.

Most “Friends” are either Self-Occupied or Owner of a medium-sized Company or at least a Decision-Maker/High-Performer in their employing Company and they are all Specialists in their designated Fields and Areas they are working in, such as:

  • Analysts, Programmers & Scientists

  • System Designers & Engineers

  • Model Builders, Carpenters, Locksmiths, Welders & Metalworkers

  • System Integrators

  • and many more

We are going to introduce them in Detail One by one over the next several Months. So stay tuned

Hélène & Mathieu CAILLE - Heart & Soul of ETEP

Hélène & Mathieu live in the marvellous Region of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (France), they are married since 2012 and have two wonderful Children.

Hélène is a passionated Trail-Runner and Diver, Mathieu chills out during Gardening. They both love Travelling, Hiking & Sailing with their Kids and enjoy Life to the Full!

They both run ETEP, a family-owned business with over 45 years of experience - with Heart & Professionality. Great Guys and personal Friends of mine since 2014!

Harry J. WILD - Vice President Sales @ ALTA DT

Yes, he is probably as wild as his Last Name suggests! And not without Reason: Harry has been attracted by fast Cars since forever! In Fact, everytime I think of him, I see a virtual Image of Harry in the Cockpit of his Corvettte, hammering down the Highways (and the Highway Patrol in his neck!)... That’s probably the reason why AC/DC’s “Thunderstruck” comes to my Mind so easy here…

So it really was not a big Surprise when I heard that he is actually working to get his SCCA Driving License to finally go Head-to-Head with the Racing-Pros! Pretty cool Stuff for a 2-times-Grandpa!! I wish you a hell of good Luck here, my Friend!

Besides his Passion for Motorsport, he enjoys Mountainbiking with his 7-year old Son and any Kind of Water Sports. If he’s not in Action, he loves hanging around with his Family at the Pool or Beach.

Harry, his Wife Janine (married since 2003) and his youngest Boy live in Florida.

Harry is Vice-President of Sales @ Alta Data Technologies and had significant Impact on growing Alta’s Sales to the Multimillion-Dollar Business they are actually into. He is such a great Personality and a personal Friend of mine since 2004