Test & Qualification

Test & Qualification of a Product / System are essential for AW&F, especially when particularly developed for a Custemer specific Application where certain Requirement Paramaters must be met. If a Product/System needs to be accompanied by an official Test Report from an audited Test Site to warrant its Compliance against a particular Specification, AW&F does have the Resources & Contacts for such Services…



Whatever Test needs to be performed, AW&F does have Access to various Testing Facilities:

  • Universities and Technical Colleges such as

    • TU Munich & FH Munich

    • Jülich Research Centre

    • Max-Planck Gesellschaft

    • Fraunhofer Gesellschaft

  • Testing Organizations such as

    • TÜV Sued

    • DEKRA

    • IABG Industrie- und Anlagenbaugesellschaft mbH

    • DLR e. V.



In Terms of Qualification, we can perform common Test Procedures as well as Customer-specific Test Procedures:

  • Common Test Procedures

    • MIL-STD 810

    • RTCA DO-160

    • DIN EN 60068-2

  • In case you need to qualify your Product/System against some very special, Customer-specific Requirements, we invite you to talk to us: maybe we have an Idea how it can be realized!


COTS Components & Parts


Integration & Maintenance